City RP Rules

City RP Rules Pinned Locked

Posted 1 year ago

Shade Networks CityRP server rules

Please note that as the server develops, the rules will undergo frequent changes.
You will be notified when this happens via discord. New additions will be marked in green.

This document outlines the rules enforced by our staff members on our CityRP game server, failure to comply with the following rules will likely result in a punishment. The punishment received will vary based on the severity of the situation and / or the number of times you have committed the offence. Staff are instructed to follow a list of set punishments for rules, however they may choose a suitable punishment based on the situation.

Before being punished, staff must talk to all parties involved in the situation unless you threaten the security of the server and / or other members involved. Most rule breaks are accidental so we encourage members to attempt to include it in roleplay(example 1), however if players continue to break the rules or are doing so in a malicious manner then please contact a member of staff.

If there are any issues or queries about the server rules please contact a member of management, this can be done through the Discord server by opening a support ticket.

We recommend reading this document each time its updated (rules updates are posted on the Discord server and in the changelog), however we have a condensed version of the rules (WARNING: it does not provide the same level of detail as this document)
We recommend all players have clipping software (such as Medal, GeForce Experience or Xbox game bar) installed and set up to clarify what happened.


Primary rules

The following rules are the most relevant rules.

Please remember to use common sense when playing on the server.
If you see an issue, please report it using !report. Staff are not omnicient. Do not take the matter to OOC to start arguing.



Random Death Match (RDM)

Random Death Match (RDM) is when one player kills another with no proper RolePlay reason with malicious intent, for example if a civilian were to pull out a gun and shoot another player for no reason. 


RDM related rules:

1.1. - If you kill someone it must make sense with the roleplay scenario you are in and fit in with the job you are playing.

     1.1.1 - To kill a player you must have interacted with them and the kill must make sense with the interaction.

1.2. - Killing players should be a rare occasion during roleplay, it should be a last resort for criminals.

1.3. - Vehicle Death Match (VDM) is when someone uses a vehicle for RDM.

     1.3.1 - Vehicles SHOULD NOT be used to engage in combat except if (rule 4.4) applies.

1.4. - Mass RDM (MRDM) is when a player RDMs 3+ people in a 5-minute period.

1.5. - Self defence is allowed if you are attacked by another player if you take no damage you may be asked for proof (we recommend clipping software as mentioned above). You must advert assist/counter as per (6.2.1), regardless of if you're in a gang or not.


Fail RolePlay (FailRP) 

Fail RolePlay (FailRP) is when a player fails to roleplay correctly or breaks roleplay, this can be by acting in an unrealistic manner or breaking the following job rules:

2.1. - Job abuse (such as Police randomly arresting).
Please submit a PSD report in Discord if you see Police or NHS acting out of line.

     2.1.1 - Mass self-supply, we limit self-supply to 3 items per day. Players selling to friends (including gang members) must follow this rule as well.

2.2 - Baiting, purposely baiting players to break rules or attack you.

     2.2.1 - Do not 'cop bait', this is purposely performing illegal actions near officers for no reason just to fight Police or annoy them

3.3 - As a food seller job, you MUST advert your establishment's location regularly to allow players to receive food. If you do not comply, you will be punished via FailRP punishments.

     3.3.1 - Only switch into a food seller job after your establishment has been built.

     3.3.2 - Your cheapest article of food/drink MUST be 120(of the server's currency) or free.

     3.3.3 - In general apart from (3.3.2), your food&drink prices must be reasonable (No more than 3x the cost of ingredients).

     3.3.4 - You must sell to everyone, no matter what.

             - If there is an issue of malicious targetting or harassment (Non-RP related/invalid RP), you can make a report.

 3.4 - Protected Jobs

     3.4.1 - Protected jobs are jobs that forbid certain actions befalling them. Said actions are as follows:

  • Raids
  • Mugging/Stealing
  • Kidnapping


    3.4.2 - Protected jobs are only protected for as long as they keep within the limits of the law. The limit of protection collapses as soon as a protected job(or their gang members/friends in the same location as the business) perform any kind of criminal activity inside & outside of business grounds.

    3.4.3 - Protected jobs are:

  • Bakers
  • Chefs
  • Pub staff

For NHS refer to rules 5.7 and 5.7.1 only.

3.5 -You are not allowed to harm or kill anybody if you are revived in the hospital.
      3.5.1 - Police are not allowed to shoot to kill/harm a revived patient in the hospital. They may however taze (if FTC) and arrest them.

3.6 - If you are stripped of your weapons during a given RP situation, you cannot pull out more weapons from your inventory.

3.7 - Police cannot spam the speed gun on a car. They may fine a speeding vehicle a maximum of 3 times and then must remove the speed gun and instead proceed to a pursuit or ask for assistance.




Metagaming is when players use out-of-character information to their advantage.
Metagaming rules:

3.1 - You can not use information from your past life if you fully die.

3.1 - New Life Rule (NLR) you can not return to the place of your death for 3 minutes or until the event is over.

3.2 - NLR does not count if you are revived by a paramedic, you may return to your place of death and you do remember everything from your past life.

3.4 - You may use information from players' messages or in a voice call outside the server.

     3.4.5 - Upon falling unconscious you should not communicate any information to anyone until you regain consciousness.


Fear RolePlay (FearRP)

Fear RolePlay (FearRP) is when you fail to fear for your life in certain situations.
FearRP rules:

4.1 - You can not pull out weapons when someone is holding a weapon at you.

     4.1.1 - However if you escape the sights of the attacker you may pull out a weapon.

4.2 - You should attempt to please the attacker in order to save your life.

4.3 - If you choose to negotiate with the Police to get money for a hostage or free passage from a raid you can not execute the hostage.

4.4 - If the victim is in their car during a mug, they are allowed to run away and you as the perpetrator are allowed to shoot at the car. The victim may not run you over if they are RPing as a civilian job and can call the Shadeham police force on you. If the victim is also RPing as a criminal job, they are in fact permitted to run you over or fight back.




The following describes what each action a player may commit and the requirements for said actions.
Action rules:

5.1 - Only criminals and Police may perform raids

  5.1.1 - Your raid may only last a maximum of 15 minutes.

5.2 - Criminals & civillians may carjack

5.3 - Terror attacks allow terrorists to kill anyone in a 3 minute time period

     5.3.1 - Only players playing the terrorist job may commit terror attacks
     5.3.2 - You must advert over if you do not die after 3 minutes 
     5.3.3 - Anyone is allowed to kill the terrorist once they have adverted

5.4 - Kidnapping allows criminals to kidnap players

     5.4.1 - Kidnapped players must be released after 20 minutes
     5.4.2 - Kidnapping overlaps with many FearRP rules

5.5 - The usage of fuel cans/barrels and similar to start fires/explode property or vehicles is forbidden. (Grenades/bombs found with the criminal roles are allowed)

5.6 - The usage of any kind of exploit/dupe glitch is strictly forbidden

5.7 - You are not allowed to steal/take NHS items (ex: stretchers,drips,ambulances,etc), failure to comply will result in FailRP punishments.

      5.7.1 - You are not allowed to mug/raid/harm NHS workers on active duty (ex: tending to a patient on the field) and in the hospitals.

      5.7.2 - You are not allowed to prevent NHS workers from doing their revival job (without a valid RP reason). This wastes both the NHS member & the incapacitated player's time. (Moving their drips/stretchers/patient bodies around, constantly getting in their way preventing them from doing their job, etc)

5.8 - You may not raid with the sole intent to kill (exception to this rule: hitmen and hit raids).

5.9 - You should not slash out tires unless there is a valid RP reason (e.g. slashing the tires of the car you carjacked, being the rebel role)

5.10 - Leaving(Disconnecting) during a raid/RP situation (without a valid reason) will have you punished as per FailRP rules.

Cooldowns and adverts

Cooldowns are how often you can perform certain actions such as raiding. Adverts are what you need to advertise in chat when performing said action.

6.1 - Cooldowns are listed below, do not commit the same action again before waiting for the specified length of time:
     - Raiding - 20 minutes, 10 for hitmen (You cannot raid the same person/gang in a row, there must be at least one other raid victim.)
     - Bank raids - 30 minutes
     - Car jack - 20 minutes
     - Kidnapping & Selling victim - 15 minutes, you must release them after 20 if you do not negotiate with Police (Cooldown starts after you've released them or killed them)

                   - You may sell your victim to another individual or gang, doing so will reset the 20 minute cooldown for the buyers. The buyers cannot sell the victim back to you.

                   - You need to advert "Selling Victim" to look for potential deals.

     - Mugging - 15 minutes, you cannot mug the same person in a row, there must be at least one other victim.

     - Terror (Global) - 30 minutes

     - Counter (including counter arrest) - 10 minutes


6.2 - You must advert the following, using /advert "action" (Ex: /advert kidnap)
     6.2.1 - You must advert the following actions:
              - Terror (Terrorist only)
              - Raid (Including Police raid)
              - Police custody raid
              - Kidnap & Selling Victim

             - Assist (If you choose to help someone, keep in mind that if you are in the same gang as the person you choose to assist, you will have to follow the cooldown of the  crime you assist as per rule 7.3.1)

              - Counter (If you are countering for self-defence, damage must be dealt to you or your friend/gang member OR an advert must have been made beforehand)

              - Steal/Mug (Max cash amount: 10k)

              - Back off  1/2/3 (and its derivatives) may be advertised with at least 5 seconds between each iteration.

              - Accident (Incase of a real accident) This advert cannot be used to justify rule breaking.

              - Carjack (Until the alarm addon is fixed, you will be notified and this rule will be removed)

6.2.2 - You may include other text in the advert as long as raid is visible for example '/advert we be raiding'


"Gangs", associations & their derivatives

(Reminder: Anything mentioned here is subject to change as the server develops)

7.1 - "Gangs" (and their derivatives) are defined as a group of players choosing to perform (commonly illegal) activities together (Police, Parliament, NHS excluded). They commonly base together perform raids and such together as well. These associations are allowed to be formed without a member limit. 

7.2 These associations are allowed with the aim to promote RP between various factions.

7.3 Gang members, if they choose to raid/kidnap/mug/terror/carjack together, must respect the cooldowns.

    7.3.1 - This means that the cooldowns applied to the activitives mentioned above are considered as GLOBAL for all members (of the same "gang") that partake in the activity. Example: Bob and Todd of the Alpha clan decide to steal poor Timmy's car. If Bob & Todd rob his car together they BOTH must wait 20 minutes (see 6.2.1) before carjacking again.

   7.3.2 - Gang members are NOT allowed to perform consecutive crimes on the same individual in a row. They must wait 30 minutes.

   7.3.3 - Wars between 2 or more gangs must be adverted and accepted by all sides and can last a maximum of 30 minutes. You are required to advert the end of the gang war as well.

   7.3.4 - Gang members may only possess 3 properties together.



                               Base rules

8.1 - You must put keypads (with at least a 6 second open time & no delay in opening) for every fading door you put in and around your base. A maximum of 5 fading doors may be used in a base.

   8.1.2 - Each fading door must have ample moving room between them.

   8.1.3 - Any mechanism used to open or close entrances/exits/windows must be clearly visible (buttons, levers, keypads, etc.)

8.2 - Maze bases, crouch bases, kill corridors, confusing colors (epilepsy inducing, frequent colorchanging), glow/worldglow and one way windows/doors/props/walls are not allowed.

      - 8.2.1 - Any corridor in the base must have at least 2 body width of distance (two bodies next to each other vertically) between walls.

  8.2.1 - Using environmental(map) advantages to cause one-way shooting situations is not allowed.

8.3 - Staff and management have the right to warn (verbal) & then punish (if needed) owners of bases that are considered unfair (on a case by case basis) but may only do so after careful consideration and communication with other staff/management.

8.4 - Build signs MUST be put on a base under construction. If criminal activity is found while the build sign is on, you will be punished.

8.5 - KOS signs or lines are allowed but must be in close range to the property. These signs must not block any NPCs, unowned properties or public server entities such as ATMs. They must be big enough so that they are easy to see.

8.6 - You must be clearly visible (head + chest) to the raiders. This means, at a given time, if you can shoot them, they can shoot you. No head glitching/weapon glitching is permitted (only the weapon/head is visible through the walls).

8.7 - You are not allowed to edit your base (including selling entities) in anyway during a raid. You are not allowed to no-collide entrances, windows, walls or exits.


Examples,expansions & miscellaneous

  1.  - (1.3) - For example, if a citizen VDMs by accident this could expand into a roleplay scenario that gets other players involved such as the Police and Ambulance service. However if the player is continuously VDMing or does not go along with the scenario when given the chance we recommend reporting them to a member of staff.

  2.  - (2.2) - For example, if a group of armed players follows Police officers to bait them into starting a deathmatch.

  3.  - (2.2.1) - For example, consistently crashing into Police cars, shooting outside the PD for no reason
  4. - You may only use a maximum of 2 special characters in your name(@,#,accents,~,etc.). If you do not comply, you will be asked a maximum of 2 times to change it after which   FTC rules will apply. You may be asked to change your name if it is inappropriate.
  5. - Discriminatory actions are not tolerated without a valid RP reason. This includes but is not limited to: harassment, racism, sexism and homophobia.
     - You are forbidden from portraying/building any kind of discriminatory symbols & religious symbols in any case.
     - Within a RP situation, excessive usage of such actions can still result in a warning or more punishments. 
  6.  - Any kind of prop abuse/climbing/minge is not allowed. (This includes all spawnables). Unless it is to assist with a game inhibiting purpose.
  7.  - You are forbidden from impersonating staff or management.
  8.  - Purposefully angering the community as a whole will result in a community ban of 1 month or more.  - Causing issues, arguments, obvious misbehavior.
  9.  - Disrespectful behavior against staff is not tolerated. You may file a report incase of unjust staffing.
  10.  - No criminal activity is allowed in spawn. In general, Spawn is a Non-RP zone. You are not allowed to abuse this rule to escape from any RP situation.

- Mark

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