Staff Application Rules & Template

Staff Application Rules & Template Pinned Locked

Posted 1 year ago

Application Requirements & Rules

  • You must be at least 16 years old to be an applicable applicant.
  • You may be staff within other online communities but are expected to be honest about this.
  • You must have the skills to handle heated and challenging situations, with the ability to represent Shade Networks in a mature manner.
  • You're expected to dedicate a minimum amount of your free time to your positions. Inactivty will result in removal.
  • Whilst there is no minimum word requirement, you're expected to put effort in your application. There will be no consideration for non-serious and low quality applications.


  • If your application is successful, you will be approached in order to take your application to the next phase.
  • If your application is unsuccessful, you are expected to wait a minimum of 1 month before reapplying, unless stated otherwise in the response.
  • In both a successful and unsuccessful application, you're expected to be patient and not bring attention to your application. This includes commenting on it, talking about it to other members of the community, or contacting a member of staff. These are only a few examples but apply to all methods of bumping.

Application Template

Discord name (include tag):
How old are you:
Steam ID64 (
Are you currently staff within any other online communities:

How long have you been a part of the Shade Networks community (including time in previous affiliated servers and hours ingame):
What motivates you to become part of the Shade Network Staff Team:
Why do you think you're best suited for this position (include any previous experience, if any):
Describe, in your own words, what RDM stands for and provide an example:
You witness a player kill someone without the proper initation, describe the steps you would take to remediate the situation (
including the punishment you believe would be appropriate):
Describe a time you made a mistake and took steps to remediate the matter:
Estimate the amount of time you can dedicate towards this position (include your timezone):
Please confirm you understand the application requirements & rules:

Shade Networks Staff Manager

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